
Monday, August 19, 2013

Greetings from the Fair

Mr. Goat. Ready for his close-up.
Two weekends ago we were at my parents' house. It happened to be the weekend that the county fair was being held in town. I was excited that we would be able to take the girls to a small fair. 
Uncle J with Mr. Goat. Aunt E is not so sure about the situation.
We don't normally go to the big fair in town because it is just too big and too expensive. We try to go to a smaller fair that is held about half of an hour away, but we missed it this year.
Uncle J makes a tasty treat.
We started off in the food, craft, and flower displays. The fish pond exhibit was the next stop. The girls liked looking at the fish and throwing their coins into the water. There was a dog sock jumping contest while we were there as well. I have watched these contests on t.v. and was excited to see one in person.
Ready to work the back 40.
I didn't know how much Cream could see, but she ended up telling me all about puppies jumping into the water later that day, so I guess she was able to see it all and take it in. The next stop was the deep-fried cheese curd tent.
One cute farmer.
You can't go to a fair in the midwest without getting the curds! We went to the FFA petting zoo booth next. Peachy really liked seeing all of the farm animals up close. We next headed to a petting zoo exhibit. While it was neat to see all of the different animals they had, I was a little sad to see them in the hot, hot tent in such small cages.
Driving with daddy.
I think the girls favorite part was the tractor exhibit. They each enjoyed climbing on the open cab tractors. Of course Cream went right for the biggest one and started climbing the ladder. We went and saw some of the 4-H animal barn next, but Cream is not a big animal fan and the horse barn really scared her.
Watch out Aunt E, Peachy is at the wheel.
Thankfully we could finish on a good note, an ice cream shake from the dairy booth. And the best part about a free fair?

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