
Thursday, August 15, 2013

And They're Back . . .

The girls are back home from grandma and grandpa's house. We met up halfway at a truck stop yesterday. (And let me tell you, this wasn't just any truck stop. It was huge, clean, and had a bakery in it!! The girls, grandma, and I all enjoyed a pastry treat before going our separate ways. And we also brought home this fritter bread for Mr. Cherry.)
I got lots accomplished while they were gone. Not everything on my list, but the important things. And I also had the time to finish the book "Gone Girl." (Awesome book, by the way. A bit of vulgarity, but otherwise great plot and characters.) And I also took advantage of the kid-free time to get a haircut and color. (Gorgeous, aren't I?)
Now it is back to the life of mommy. And while the break was awesome, I am really looking forward to time with my girls and as a family.

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