
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Preschool at Home: Dyed Noodles

(You can read other Preschool at Home posts here, here and here.)
Here is a great activity for you try try at home with your toddlers, preschoolers, and younger elementary schoolers.
 I did it recently in connection with studying the letter N, but Peachy is still enjoying playing with the noodles.

I followed the direction on dying noodles from eHow. I bought everything that I needed at the dollar store, except the food coloring which I had on hand. Depending on their age, your children can lend a hand in the dying process as well. Peachy helped me pour the noodles into the bags and helped me count the drops of food coloring.

I got out measuring cups, spoons, muffin tins, and bowls to play with the noodles. The kids enjoyed pouring, measuring, and sorting the noodles. We also made noodle necklaces.
I find that using something new, noodles, in addition to something from around the house, measuring cups, muffin tins, etc., can really bring about great play. I keep the noodles stored away and only bring them out every so often. That way they are new and exciting each time.

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