
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Wishes . . .

I wish . . .
. . .all the white stuff outside would melt away and be replaced with green and sun.

. . .the kitchen fairy would come to my house. (And maybe she could bring her friend the laundry fairy.)

. . .I had all the time and energy in the world to work on making a dent in my fabric stash.


  1. Oh my gosh, you still have snow? What a bummer!

    And I'm drooling over all the fabric. I'm trying to keep myself from buyiing anymore, because I have enough to work with for a long time. ;)

  2. And yet there I saw you at the fabric store yesterday. :) I'm the same way however mine are not nearly as neat as yours.

  3. MY Wednesday wish is to have an organized fabric stash like yours! How awesome would it be to just start on a project when you want because you have all the "materials"?
