
Thursday, April 7, 2011

20 Weeks with Number Two

I decided to get a major hair cut. What do you think?

Halfway there!! Living in the day to day, it seems like I have been pregnant for a while. However, when I look back at it doesn't seem possible that I am already 20 weeks pregnant with our little baby Cream. (You can see how I was looking and feeling with Peachy at 20 weeks here.) Last week we were able to take a peek at our little one with our anatomy scan. We have chosen again to keep that gender a surprise to be revealed in the delivery room. While everything looked good with our little one, they were unable to get clear pictures of a few things, so we get to head back for another at the end of this month. As long as everything is okay, I will happily take another look.
I am still feeling really well. Just your run of the mill pregnancy aches and pains to complain about. Peachy continues to be very excited about the baby in momma's tummy. I can't wait for her to be able to feel him/her moving around in there. (So far I have been able to feel the rolls, punches, and kicks, but you can't feel them from the outside.) I am really looking forward to spring making its arrival known and felt in these parts. I can't wait to start playing outside and walking and breathing the fresh air. I think it will feel good to get this pregnant body moving. That and being able to grill out. A nice juicy burger fresh off the grill sounds delicious right now.


  1. Both pictures are beautiful, a mother glowing with love and the miracle of life. Love you both!

  2. Your haircut is awesome. You look great!

  3. Your haircut is awesome. You look great!
