
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Birthday Gift Idea

This weekend I was invited to a birthday party for one of my preschoolers. M and I made a brief appearance at the bowling alley, dropped off our gift, and continued on our merry way. While trying to come up with a creative and inexpensive gift, I read this post from Laurel over at "Ducks in a Row." I thought that this was a particularly appropriate gift from a preschool teacher.
I found the bag at Joann Fabrics. The clerk who checked me out likes me and gave me a 50 percent coupon even though I forgot mine at home. (She also gave me $10 off another time. I will have to try to get her every time I am in there.) I had the fabric for the L at home and used some Heat and Bond to attach it and then zig zagged around it.

Here are my final results:

I am thinking that this will be a repeat performance gift.

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