
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

6 Months and Counting

M and I had a discussion on whether I am six months pregnant since I am just starting my 6th month. I successfully argued my point. So here I am six months pregnant: In the beginning of this month, we went in for our "big ultrasound." We want to keep the gender a surprise for the delivery room, so we didn't find anything out there. We did see a perfect little baby that is currently cozily abiding inside of me. Today's technology amazed us! We not only got to see the beating heart, we also saw the four chambers in action. It all brought to mind the Psalm passage, "You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (My preschoolers sing these words in one of our songs. What a blessing it is to hear their little voices singing these words.)

We also made a big baby purchase over the weekend. I was showing M some of the options for car seats and strollers at I really just wanted him to know what was out their and what the prices were so that he could start thinking over what we might want. We had just looked at the Chicco Keyfit Travel System (that's right Nate, Travel System) and had said how nice it looked, but that it was so expensive we just couldn't see paying that kind of money or asking anyone to pay that kind of money for us. Just to see what was currently listed, I flipped over to Craigslist. Low and behold, there was a Chicco Keyfit Travel System for sale in our area for less than half the original price. We debated whether or not we were ready to buy it and decided on calling and seeing if it was still available. It was and we bought. It was in really good condition and the design and quality even impressed M. (This is no small feat. M's brain is programmed to be critical of how things are made and designed. That is part of why he is so good at what he does. His exact words were, "That new stroller is scary good quality.")

Seeing as we brought home a bassinet from M's parents, I am pretty happy with where we are on baby essentials. We can bring the baby home from the hospital and it will have a place to sleep.


  1. I LOVE Craigslist and it is hard to buy full price for anything. You look great for 6 months (I'd call you six months!)

  2. This picture makes me want to meet my niece/nephew so much! I can't wait. As Lyd would say, "I'm so essited!!"

  3. Not much of "Travel System", no built-in GPS or Child Sedation System (DVD)! Poor underprivalaged grandchild we will have :(.
    M's D
