
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Seen Around Here

Some of our antics as of late.
Peachy's nativity scene arrangement of choice.
Do you think Mary felt a bit overwhelmed?
Hot cocoa drinking.

Another photo shoot set up ala Peachy. (She also got both of them dressed on this occasion.)
Not a day goes by that this girl doesn't play dress up. And usually her little sister is involved as well as some crazy ensembles.
I took a cupcake decorating class. Now I can do the cupcake swoop like a pro. (Okay, maybe not a pro, but I can do it.)

Peachy found my yoga mat and has been on an exercise video kick. She and Mr. Cherry even did the 30 Day Shred together. Wish I had been home to watch!
Peachy decorated most of our tree! She really wanted to do it and I was totally fine handing the reigns over.

I hope all of your days are Merry and Bright as well!

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