
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween Photo Dump

Sorry these are out of order.

Blogger isn't cooperating with me today.

Here are some of the pictures I got of the girls for Halloween. (Note that there aren't any in their costumes besides the ones Mr. Cherry took the night before. It just wasn't meant to be!)
The girls and I wen't out and collected leaves for a project.

Note the lack of leaves in our yard. We live in a new subdivision and the trees are just starting to be planted. Advantage? Not so many leaves to rake. Disadvantage? No trees.

The girls and I started carving pumpkins a couple of nights before Halloween. 

Last year after Halloween I picked up one of those carving kits on clearance.

Peachy was pumped about using it.

Those suckers are a lot of work!

We got them both hallowed out and Peachy's carved, at which point I decided to wait and do the rest when Mr. Cherry came home.

We chose the only two cute patterns in the book.

Seriously, why does Halloween have to be all spooky and gore?

The girls and I also decorated sugar cookies.

Don't tell (really I don't care) I bought the plain cookies and frosting at the bakery department of the grocery store.

All of the fun and yumminess and none of the baking. Winning!
We did our normal around the block for trick-or-treating. Peachy was having a grand old time, but Cream had enough after a few houses. We also went to a local pizza place that was giving free slices for kids in costume with a paying adult that afternoon. That was a good treat. The next day we hosted a Halloween playgroup here. And then on Saturday I was in charge of the fall festival aty our church. We got in plenty of partying, I tell you!


  1. I love the pumpkin carving! I feel like people are going all out with the carving recently and they have the best designs!

  2. I love the pumpkin carving! I feel like people are going all out with the carving recently and they have the best designs!
