
Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend In the Rearview

Another weekend has come and gone. It was a fun family weekend here. We started out with a living room picnic dinner and movie.
A friend graciously shared a bag of homegrown apples with me, so I peeled, chopped, and simmered all day long for some yummy applesauce. And boy did the house smell delicious on Saturday.
The rest of Saturday was spent running errands and preparing for another craft sale. We even ate out at a sit down restaurant. (A rare occurrence for all four of us.) Sunday was the day of the sale. It was a bit of an impromptu sale because this one got rained out. It was a gorgeous fall day on the heels of many cloudy and rainy ones. So these characters and I enjoyed spending a sunny afternoon together.

Following the sales we were able to get family photos taken. They were originally scheduled for Saturday, but the weather just wasn't cooperating for the outdoor pics I really wanted. Thank goodness for a photographer who is able to reschedule at a moment's notice. No pictures for this yet, but I can't wait to see them!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too!

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