It has been a while. Definitely time for another list of my current loves.
1) All things pumpkin: No surprise here. I love that the people in marketing know America. And know that we have a big hankering for pumpkin. You can get pumpkin in everything from coffee to chips! But my love doesn't stop with eating pumpkin, I love to decorate with pumpkins too. Yay for fall!
2) My new DSLR!! (A used Nikon D3000) I am entering the world of manual cameras. Hopefully as my skills improve so do the pictures on this blog!! There is a learning curve for sure, but I really want to take better pictures especially for the blog and for my Etsy store.
3) Chromecast: We are Google fans in this house. So when Google announced that it would be releasing its own casting device we were excited. And while right now it only works with a limited number of apps, it as been fun playing around with it. Peachy calls it our new toy.
4) Leachco Snoogle Mini Compact Side Sleeper: When I was pregnant with Peachy I tried the full-sized Snoogle and it was just too big for me. This time around I have been using this mini version and really liking it. So far I haven't been having the hip pain I had in both of my previous pregnancies. I like that it is small enough that changing positions doesn't feel like wrestling a hippo during the night.
5) Way Better Snacks Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips: Seriously! I just picked up a giant bag of these at Costco and we had them polished off in a matter of days. They are so good. I don't know about being all that good for you. But hey, they have to be better than just plain old tortilla chips, right? And then on their website I saw that they have a seasonal flavor of Pumpkin and Cranberry? Seriously!!! I think I love this company!
Those are my September loves. What are some of yours?
Yay ... happy September! All are great choices. I have the same camera (well, almost the same), and I love it.