
Monday, September 9, 2013

September Garden Update

It appears that I missed updating you all on our garden last month. So sorry! :) While our lettuce and green beans are all done producing, this is an exciting time. Between the three tomato plants that we have, two are really producing right now. The larger variety has lots of green fruit on it, so it just needs time to ripen. (The joys of living in the north country.)
 The carrots are also doing really well. It is so nice to be able to go out to the garden and pull a few when we need them. Mr. Cherry has been pulling the onions as they begin to dry, so we are all set in that regard as well.
The geraniums in the front have made a come back and are back to blossoming. And the greenery just keeps on growing.
Unfortunately the wildflower bed is really past its prime. It really looked awesome last month. Peachy and Mr. Cherry harvested some seeds, so we will definitely be doing it again next summer.
How are your gardens growing?

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