
Friday, August 30, 2013

The Goose is 2!!

Two years ago, I spent the night timing contractions and trying to get some rest. When morning came, we knew it would soon be time to head into the hospital. And before noon we were holding our dear second daughter in our arms. And she was holding our hearts.
Two years later and she still holds our hearts. Asks to be held and for hugs and amazes us on a daily basis. While I have been calling her Cream on the blog, in real life we usually give her the nickname, Goose. And that is just what she is. She can get herself into trouble in 0.2 seconds. She can be loud and crazy. She can be ornery and irritable. she can be sweet and endearing. She can be gentle and loving. She is just a goose. A goose who has my heart.
Everyday we see her trying so hard to keep up with her big sister. And she does a pretty good job at it too! She has a huge vocabulary and uses those skills all the time in her chitter and chatter. She is athletic and loves kicking balls and running and anything that involves movement. I love to listen in to her imaginary play. The little voices that she uses as she holds dolls and makes them have conversations.
I don't love how stubborn the girl can be! Man, when she makes up her mind, it is made up! I know that we can help her mold this determination into a great asset, but boy is it frustrating for her mommy right now!
I can't wait to see what this year brings for our Goose! She will move more from a toddler to a preschooler. She will get to see what being a big sister is all about! And I have no doubt that she will continue to amaze us everyday! Happy birthday, Goose!
September 2012

October 2012

November 2012

December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

March 2013

April 2013

May 2013

June 2013

July 2013

August 2013


  1. Happy birthday, Miss Cream! Such a big girl!

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