
Monday, August 26, 2013

Exciting News at Bowl of Cherrys

I am so excited to be able to share with you all our exciting news!! We are expecting baby number three!! The newest member of the Bowl of Cherrys gang is due on February 17th. We found out in the beginning of June, very early. It has been a long few months of secret keeping, but we have now been able to tell our families and close friends.
We drove to see my family in the beginning of the month and this is how we told them. As they all came out to see us, these stickers were on the van. They got the message right away and were very excited.
I have been feeling okay. Just really tired with a side of nausea. I can start to feel the restorative powers of the second trimester, however. It feels good to be back to doing more than what is necessary as a stay at home mom.
We told the girls and it was clear that they didn't really get it. Then, Peachy said to me one day, "Why do you keep talking about babies?" I told her, "There really is a baby in my tummy." She asked how I knew and I told her the doctor had told me. "How did you remember?" she wanted to know. I told her it is kind of important. And ever since she has just seemed to accept it.
I was also able to take both girls to my last prenatal appointment where they were both able to hear the heartbeat. Cream likes to say that the baby is "Mines!" She loves babies. She will often point them out while we are out and about and talks about them when she hears them cry. "Baby cryin', momma?"
So in just 6 months we will, God willing, be a family of 5. And we will get to know the newest member of this crazy bunch.


  1. Congratulations! A family of 5 sounds perfect, hope you're really enjoying that 2nd trimester reprieve now!

  2. Catching up on my online stalking, congratulations! So excited for you guys.
