
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cold Sale, Fun Sale

This past weekend I was able to be a vendor at a biyearly sale in our community. It was my third time participating. And I have had a blast every time. (You can read about time #1 here.) This time I did the show as kiki b omi designs rather than with my friends. So I didn't have to sit out there all day by myself, I recruited my mom to come and do the show with me! (I am totally kicking myself that I didn't have anyone take a picture of the two of us at the booth. Doh!)
This sale will always be remembered as a very cold and windy sale. However, the people still came and we all had a great, although chilly, time. I look at it like a merit badge. I made it through the coldest outdoor sale of all time!!! I am a hard core crafter, people!! Watch out! (Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but it is my blog.)
Anyway, Mr. Cherry came down with me to help me get my backdrop all set up. I have these peg board panels that I bought used. To spiff up the pegboard a bit, we have been covering it all with craft paper. (And by we, I mean Mr. Cherry. I like to leave all things that require precision and attention to detail to him. It just works better that way.)
Once we got the backdrop set up, I started playing around with the layout. We ended up taking one of the side walls down so that I could make use of my two tables. I set my 5 footer up on one end and then my 4 footer at the other. I ended up extending the 4 footer to the counter top height. I covered the tables with some of my vintage table cloths and started plunking down my displays.
For displays, I go around the house and look at anything that might be able to hold something. Then I throw them all into the van and figure it all out on sale day. Hey, don't mock it. It works! Anyway, I ended up with my all time favorite display for this show. Woohoo!
Then it was just a matter of waiting for the people to come and the show to open. The main attraction at this show is re-purposed and refinished items, mainly furniture. Hence the name, Junk Market. People start lining up over an hour ahead of time to get in! Even in the freezing cold, there were still people lining up. Gotta love living up north.
We are hardy here! And while there were quiet times throughout the day, it was a good show. And when it was quiet, I got to sit and chat with my mom. I also got to meet some cool people. The booth next to me was also being manned by a younger mother-daughter team. They were so sweet.
After being outside for around 10 hours, it was time to pack it all up and head home to Chinese food!! (We had been smelling Chinese all day and were craving it!!!)
The take away from this story is that not everyday will be perfect, but it is wonderful to know that people are out there to support small and local businesses! That was indeed heartwarming!
 Did you see something in these pictures that you might "need"? Check out my Facebook page to see if they are still available!! kiki b omi designs


  1. This set-up is too cool! You are so creative and I cannot believe you made everything in that booth. So. Much. Work. =)

  2. So adorable! You always have the best displays!
