
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time at Home

This past weekend, the girls and I were able to drive to my hometown and enjoy some time with my parents. My father has been teaching for 40 years in our church body's school system and the college that he currently teaches at had a service of thanksgiving for his years of ministry along with two of his colleagues. It was a wonderful weekend filled with family, fun, and beautiful weather.
I forgot my camera (doh!) but took a few on my dad's and on my phone.
One of the highlights of the weekend was for the girls to attend a children's theater performance at the college my father teaches at which happens to be my alma mater. I was very excited to be able to take the girls since I was quite involved in children's theater throughout all four of my college years.
Here is a picture of my mom and Peachy before the show started. I was a little leery of bringing both girls since the performance didn't start until 7:30, but they both did really well and loved the show. I was amazed at how much Cream got out of the play. Peachy was enthralled and after the performance has spent many hours pouring over the program and a news paper article about the play. (I am almost ashamed to admit that I was a bit choked up before the show with excitement for the girls. Oh what motherhood will do to a person!)

Another highlight for all of us was that spring had officially sprung. I rang it in by getting my first sunburn of the season and the girls enjoyed being outside. Specifically playing in grandpa's yet unplanted flower and garden beds. That made for some dirty, but totally happy girls.
Sunday was the day for the anniversary. An aunt, uncle, and cousin joined us for lunch and then there was a knock at the door and there were my dad's brother and wife and sister and husband. They had driven over as a surprise and they sure surprised us. Another set of surprise visitors greeted my parents at the anniversary. A couple had made the trip from my father's first school he taught at. What a great blast from the past for me.
And to top off the great weekend, my father's college declared Monday to be their arbor day and he got to stay home from his classes and enjoy a bit more time with us before we drove home that afternoon.
It was a truly blessed weekend. When it was time to go, Cream was clapping and Peachy was crying.

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