
Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend in the Rearview

We had a great weekend in our neck of the woods. It was one of those weekends where our family just seemed to click. Totally wonderful when that happens!

Friday was my birthday. The girls started it off bright and early by waking up a little after 6. Um, thanks! Mr. Cherry headed into work and the girls and I met up with friends at the mall. Little shopping was done, but we were able to get a great stash of $1 flip flops from Pennys.
God blessed my day by sending snowglobe snow. It is rare for me to get snow on my birthday, so I figured it was God's way of throwing some confetti for me.
I usually celebrate with a Dairy Queen cake.This year Mr. Cherry mixed it up and brought home this yummy carrot cake from Costco.
When Mr. Cherry came home he had flowers, cake, cards, and Clif Bars to celebrate. We chose a quiet evening in and dined on Chinese takeout once the munchkins were in bed for the night. (I had to laugh at us eating off of tv trays in the living room. Do we know how to be romantic or what?)

Saturday brought a cleaning day at home. It always feels good to have a clean house to live in. Big thanks to Mr. Cherry for helping me tackle the clutter, dirt, and grime. We also had some friends over for dinner and a game night. We ended up not getting around to the games since we were chatting.
And Sunday brought about church and then more snow. At least when it snows in April you know it won't be sticking around all that long.
The girls and I have some fun activities scheduled this week. Always a good week when you can leave the house and do something fun!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to you! (Mine was yesterday) It's funny that you mentioned the snow because I was thinking the same thing. It NEVER snows on my bday and sometimes it's even warm enough for shorts, so I was pretty upset that it was coming down on Saturday. Luckily, it warmed up on Sunday just in time.

    Nothing better than shopping on your birthday and some good food! That carrot cake looks amazing! Hope you had a great weekend!
