
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Recap 2013

Cream with cousin J
Peachy and Cream with cousin L
We have had an awesome past week filled with family time. Time with our little family and our extended family. It is such a blessing to be able to spend our holidays with those we love so much. (Too bad we couldn't be together with everyone. We missed some of you!!)
Cream and cousin L on the snowbank
The fun started with two aunties and two cousins driving up to visit us for a few days last week. While house guests are always fun, they are super fun when it means constant playmates. The cousins all played so well that we only left the house to play in the snow in the yard.
Dance party!
Cream playing with a childhood toy at Mr. Cherry's

Mr. Cherry was able to take Thursday through Monday off for Easter. It is always nice to have a bit more time and not have to feel so rushed when we drive to see our families for holidays. We started off at his parents' house where the girls got grandma and grandpa time followed by more aunt and uncle time along with more cousin time. We were able to worship with Mr. Cherry's family on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Peachy is at the age where the services hold meaning for her now. What a joy to be able to share your faith with your child and watch it blossom within them.
Story Time!

On Saturday we headed to my parents' for more grandma and grandpa time. We were able to go for a walk that afternoon and enjoy some springish weather. Cream ended up falling asleep in the stroller and continued to sleep in the driveway while my mom and I visited. (Traveling wears a toddler out!)
A little cousin piano recital

Sunday morning brought us to the church I was confirmed at and we were married in. It was a complete Easter service with choir and lots of instruments. Peachy just kept smiling and smiling and saying how happy she was that it was Easter. And she sang those hallelujahs with all of her heart. What a blessing to celebrate our Risen Redeemer with fellow believers.
Snack time!

We spent the rest of our time at my parents' visiting, and looking through old childhood toys and other items that I still had in my bedroom closet. I shredded all kinds of old financial papers and went through a big tub, over half of which I decided to purge. :o) Although it was fun thinking back on those times.
Peachy and cousin J helping grandpa make the coffee

After an easy drive home yesterday we are now getting back into our daily routines here. I hope you had a blessed Easter as well.
Cream wearing a vest my grandma made for me as a child

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