Over our Christmas trip she decided that she no longer wants mom or dad or anyone else to feed her. She can do it all by herself, thank you. And she does a pretty good job at it too.
She received her first baby doll for Christmas from her father and I. She was so excited to see a "baba" when she opened her package. She will walk around and pat her baby, feed her baby, and wrap her baby up in blankies. So sweet. In fact, later at Christmas, when her sister opened another gift containing a baby, she wouldn't let anyone continue with anything until that baby was out of the box. "Baba!" "Baba!" And is she sees a real baby, she will bend down and talk and talk to the little person. So darling.
She still loves to climb and will pull herself up onto almost anything. I can't imagine that it feels good on her ribs, but she is so determined. I do have to keep a careful eye on her.
And she is always pretty proud of herself when she reaches her goal. And despite all of her spunk, she will still demand to be picked up and cuddled by her momma. She will wrap her little arms around me and give a strong squeeze and add a little grunt in for emphasis. All of that love totally makes up for the little spitfire in her.
Awww, your little girl is so grown up! I'm very impressed with the "eese" you got her to say. We're still working on that one and I still haven't heard it. She can come give Connor some lessons on being polite :)