
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Vacation 2012

Opening Christmas Jammies at home

Opening Christmas Jammies at Home
On the afternoon of Saturday, December 22 we loaded up the van and hit the road for Mr. Cherry's parents' house. We had celebrated Christmas with just the four of us the afternoon before.
Quiet Time with Grandpa
After spending some quiet time at grandma and grandpa's we headed for the airport Christmas Eve morning and flew to Denver. My sister and her husband are spending the year in a Denver suburb as he completes his internship/vicarship at a church there. Even though we couldn't all sit together on the plane, we had a good flight. I had Cream on my lap in the middle of two gentlemen. Thankfully they were both very kind and one was a father of 11 and 13 year old boys who were sitting in front of us. If I peaked through the seats I could see Mr. Cherry and Peachy enjoying the flight together. (They had so much fun that Peachy told me her favorite part of flying was not sitting by me. Ouch!) One of Mr. Cherry's brothers also lives in the Denver area and was able to lend us his Yukon for the duration of our stay. So nice to have a vehicle we were all comfortable in that could handle the Colorado roads. (And that we didn't have to pay to rent.)
Enjoying some time with Uncle J
My parents drove to Colorado and met us there a little later on Christmas Eve. Since Peachy was a bit wore out from a cold and the trip, she and Mr. Cherry took an afternoon nap together. Apparently after waking up and making it down stairs of my sister's condo she promptly threw up. It was back up to bed for her. While the rest of us made our way to Christmas Eve church, Mr. Cherry and Peachy stayed home. Thankfully she only threw up that one time and was feeling better quickly.
Peachy and Papa at the Cabin

We awoke to a lovely snow cover on Christmas Day and made our way through it to the Christmas church service. What a near blessing to be able to worship together as a family with one of the family leading the service!
Cream and Daddy at the Cabin

My brother-in-law's family was also able to join us for Christmas and together they made a delicious Christmas lunch after which we went to spend a couple of hours with Mr. Cherry's brother and girlfriend.
The next day it was time to pack up and head up into the mountains. My Aunt and Uncle live in Eagle, Colorado and rented a cabin at a state park for all of us for two nights. We have been going to this particular state park with them off and on for many years now.
All bundled up at the cabin

Despite some sickness and rough nights we all had a good time being together in the beauty of God's creation. There was sledding, snowshoeing, relaxing, and lots of good food. On Friday, we all packed up and headed down the mountain for our flight back. Cream was running a fever at this point and a bit on the cranky side. But she did pretty well on the flight. It helped that we were all able to be together without a lot of people around us.
Peachy enjoying the flight home

We spent the next three full days with Mr. Cherry's family for their Christmas celebration. In all there were 19 of us staying in the same house. It means some creative sleeping arrangements and table settings, but also lots of fun togetherness. Peachy was in heaven playing with her cousins whom she adores and who treat her so kindly.
Cream playing with cousin J
Cream was okay, but really only wanted me and if I wasn't available, Mr. Cherry. She ended up staying home from Sunday church and New Year's Eve church and was in her pajamas for family pictures.
After over a week of fun, it was time to pack up and head home.
Peachy jamming on one of her cousins' Paper Jams

All told we drove over 1000 miles and flew over 1400. Thank goodness for children who for the most part traveled well, airplanes, and favorable travel conditions. What a wonderful way to celebrate the best Christmas gift of all, our infant King, Jesus.
Mr. Cherry's family

Everyone minus one cousin and one grandma at the table


  1. Looks like the girls are experts at flying. Now to tackle a bigger plane ride - like across the ocean ;)
    Love, Auntie YA

  2. Your trip details made me tired just reading it! You were very brave to do all that traveling with 2 little girls! It sounds like they did very well despite the sickness. The view of the mountains in your photos is so pretty!
