
Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Christmas Cow

I have no excuse for the lack of posts this week other than Christmas business. We have been partying it up this week and now we all seem to have colds. Go figure! Here is hoping that they are gone before Christmas. (Oh, and we don't get another before then.)

Last weekend we got most of our Christmas decorations up. Peachy just loved it all. She even wore her Christmas cow costume! And helped Mr. Cherry with a dress-up outfit as well. Maybe a new Christmas tradition for our house? :o)

I will get more pictures up of the other decorations in our house once I get the mess taken care of today. When you are busy and your kiddos aren't feeling 100%, it is hard to stay on top of the clutter. I have big plans for taking it on today and winning!


  1. Love the Christmas cow and I adore that cheesy grin. Hope everyone is feeling back to normal soon.

  2. Hope you guys feel better soon! I love the Christmas cow and it's just as a cute as a Christmas elf!

  3. Awe, I missed this one until today! Love both the Christmas Cow and the little Cheeser! I'll try to skype this weekend!
