
Monday, November 12, 2012

Working Woman

I dipped my toe into the working world over the last week. I had the pleasure of returning to the preschool that used to teach at as a substitute. The girls were left in the hands of good friends, and their dad one day. Peachy was sad that she couldn't come to preschool with me. She made this note for me. This side says "real preschool." The other side said my name. I think she intended that I wear it around my neck while I taught.
In the end it was fun to be back in the classroom. I enjoyed being with the preschool set again. It was pretty relaxed since I was the teacher's aide and the main teacher took over lots of the roles. I didn't necessarily enjoy getting the girls up and out the door at a certain time. Also the fact that it coincided with daylight savings time ending made for a little rougher time. (For some reason this year the time change has really kicked me in the pants.)
For now I will not be quitting my day job, but it was fun having a little time back in my old role again.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds nice just to do something "adult" and get to be out of the house doing something you used to love!
