
Thursday, November 1, 2012

More Running

Twas the night before Halloween and all through the town, many creatures were stirring and making lots of sounds.
Okay, I will spare you any more of that. And you are welcome. I ran another 5k this week. Two of my friends and I signed up to run the Full Moon 5k. After our entry fees had all been paid we started reading the fine print. The race would be run at night and there would be people out on the course trying to scare us. I, myself, do not like to be scared. I don't think either of my friends were to keen on the idea either. However, we laced up our shoes, pinned on our bibs, wore our costumes, and lined up in the start chute.
If I were a better blogger, I would have taken lots of fun pictures, but I didn't want to bring my camera and risk losing it. So, there is not a picture to be seen. We all wore black, including black hats and eye masks. And while there was a prize for best costume, I don't think that put us into the running. (Get the pun?) It was lots of fun seeing everyone else's costume and thinking about running in them. There was a swamp monster, some inflatable sumo wrestlers, crayons, Thing One and Thing Two, elves, and lots of others.
As for the scary portion of the event, yes, there were people on the course to scare us. Thankfully we got really good at spotting them in the distance and preparing to run by them. Also, we avoided being targeted most of the race. Maybe that is because we were running so fast.
I went into this race hoping that I could keep up with my running partners. One had run a 10k this summer and the other had run a half marathon. Ummm, I have run two 5ks. However, it was really good running with them. I think it is safe to say that we all pushed each other.
With chip adjusted time, I almost reached my goal of running a 5k in under 30 minutes. Almost meaning I missed it by 3 seconds. Oh well, this just sets me up for another.


  1. Awesome Kristi! Sounds like an awesome time, I need to get back into running.

  2. Congras on the time! The whole running from scary people is kind of odd, but it seems like there's every excuse to hold a 5k now!
