
Monday, October 22, 2012

Roll Reversal

Just for the weekend, Mr. Cherry traded in his working father hat for a stay-at-home dad hat. I headed out the door a little before 7 on Saturday morning to run my booth at a two day craft fair I had entered. And although that is when my day started, there was plenty of preparation that had gone into the fair before that. I had been busy the last week and a half working on some new items to sell at my booth in addition to the ones I have stashed away from previous sales. After packing up all of my wares, Mr. Cherry and the girls helped me set my booth space the previous night. All that I had to do to get ready for the shoppers was put out my items and make my booth space look nice.

I had bought a peg board set up from a friend who also does sales. And let me tell you, it is so nice to have hanging space for displaying my wares. In addition to the peg board walls, I brought along a table, an old step ladder, and a cubed shelving system.

The first day went well with a steady amount of costumers. It is always interesting to see what items end up selling. I had worked hard at making art portfolios the week leading up to the show and I didn't end up selling one. I had some eye spy bags that I had made a long time ago and I ended up almost selling out of them. You just never know.

At five I covered up the items in my booth and headed for home. Mr. Cherry and the girls had a good day and were happy to see me. I joked with Mr. Cherry that I now knew what it felt like to work a 10 hour day like he normally does. I was tired and had a nasty headache.

After attending church the next morning, it as off for day number two. I rearranged my booth a bit before the 11 o'clock opening and then waited for my first sale. Sunday was a lot slower of a day than Saturday had been. I had a feeling that it would be when I stepped out of church and realized it was going to be a nice fall day. Who would want to spend the day in a large arena shopping? I did end up making a few sales, though, and then it was time to pack it up for the weekend.

I got everything stored away in my tubs and out to the car with the exception of the peg board walls. Mr. Cherry brought the girls down and helped me load up the walls and we were home by 5 o'clock.
It was a fun weekend for me and I know that Mr. Cherry enjoyed his time with the girls. He told me his plans were to just take care of the girls and not worry about accomplishing anything else. And he did a good job of it. Even though we both had an enjoyable weekend, I don't think we will be switching rolls permanently.


  1. Congrats on your sales! The booth looks great and you had so much stuff! I hope you were happy with the result!

  2. Your booth is so cute. I love the pegboard walls and you know I'm spying those owls.
