
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wedding Fun

A little over a month ago, my younger sister got married. (I wanted to post about it sooner, but with being in the wedding and caring for the girls, I just didn't take many pictures on the day of the wedding. So, I had to wait until I could get some pictures off of other cameras.) It was a blast!
In a play on their last name, they gave away homemade granola in these little takeout containers. They also served as place cards. The groom's mom made all of the granola! It was delicious, too.
My younger sister had been in China teaching English last year. My older sister has been living in Japan for three years. So, for all of us to even be together was a treat. And then to celebrate a wedding on top of it all?? Awesomeness!
Getting ready to head over to the chapel for pictures before the ceremony. My mom made us all tote bags with different fabric bands. They were awesome!
I stood up in the wedding and Peachy got to walk in with me and then sit down by Mr. Cherry. I wasn't sure whether she would do it or not. We didn't put any pressure on her and she rocked it! Mr. Cherry said she had a smile on her face the entire way down the aisle.
Getting ready for pictures before the ceremony. Peachy was so excited to get a bouquet.  By the end of the day it was so beat up!
As is the tradition in our family, my mom made the wedding gown. She also made 4 of the attendants' dresses, her dress, and the girls' dresses. She is a very talented seamstress and very good at time management. :)
Cream was so excited to be in the pictures. When she would get up there, she would wave  at everyone watching her and clap and clap!
The wedding took place in the brand new chapel at the college that my whole family attended and that my father teaches at and my mother works at. So, not only was it a beautiful building, but it held lots of meaning. (Oh, that is also where my sister and her husband met.)

The brewery has peacocks. Some came to check out the bride.

Some of the cool shots at the brewery.

The ceremony itself was such a wonderful celebration of the love that the couples shares in the Lord. The music was beautiful, the words were awesome, and everyone in attendance was beaming from ear to ear.
In between the ceremony and the reception, the wedding party went to a local brewery to snap some pictures. The photographer was a friend of my sister's from high school. She did an awesome job. I wish I could post some of her pictures here. They are just so well done.
The happy couple!
This is the only picture of Mr. Cherry and I. Isn't it a winner? We look so in love. :)

Some of the table decorations at the reception.
The reception was held at the same hall that Mr. Cherry and I used for our wedding reception, so that was fun for us to reminisce about where we were 7 years ago. Peachy danced the night away. She did more dancing than I did. We were able to get the girls down with a sitter and return to the reception.
It was such a fun weekend. I wish we could do it every summer!
The girls dancing. (It was so fun to see my kiddos with some of their extended cousins.)

We ended up doing a photo shoot with the girls in their outfits  a few days later since  we didn't get any the day of the wedding.


  1. Looks like a wonderful time and congrats to your sister! Your mom's sewing sounds amazing! She must have been super busy getting all that stuff done and looking so perfect. Love that pic at the end of the girls in their matching dresses too :)

  2. I love this post Kristi, it looks like the wedding was amazing! I really love those girls dresses. Thank you for sharing your story and photos with us!
