
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This and That

Hi there! Just a quick update here. Both of the girls have colds right now. Just stuffy, runny noses and the coughs that go with them. Peachy is happy to veg out and Cream wants to be on me all the time. I have to admit I don't always have the patience for a clingy baby. I guess I should adjust my attitude and be grateful that she wants me and not plan on doing much.

I am working on the next step to the House Our Home Project. This step is organization and let me tell you, our house desperately needs it at this point. Yikes!

I did another craft sale this weekend so, last week the sewing machine and I got in lots of quality time. I meant to catch up yesterday, but it ended up being a glorious day outside. I just couldn't see spending one of the last nice days of the year working on cleaning. (I can come up with many excuses to avoid cleaning.)
The girls and I walked to a park after lunch before naps. We were way over-dressed and sweating on our walk home. Then after naps we ran some errands and snuck in a treat as well. There is a great outdoor Dairy Queen in our town and it closes over the winter. I figured we should probably go for one more outdoor treat before it isn't an option.


  1. SOunds like a great weekend despite the colds! DQ is the best for the summer. I'm sad to say that I don't think we went all summer. I think that's a first since...ever! Wow, I think we really need to go ASAP. Ours is open all year long though :)

    Hope the girls feel better soon!
