
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baby Cream: 12 Months

This post is a bit late, but my poor little girl has been suffering from a head cold forever now. (Seriously, like 6 weeks now.) I just wanted her final picture to be without watery eyes and crusty nose. However, at this point she may be two before that happens, so I just took them this morning.

Aside from the cold she is doing super spectacular. Last night I watched as she took five or six unassisted steps from our couch to our ottoman. We have been expecting her to start walking any day now. We know she can do it, she just doesn't know it. Peachy was sitting next to me and we both watched her carefully make her way across the room. So fun!
Aside from walking, she is fearless. That girl has not stopped climbing up things, standing on things, and just plain doing things a non-walking one year old should not be doing! This past month has brought its fair share of bad falls and scares. Thankfully her guardian angels have been keeping up with her antics.
While her vocabulary really hasn't increased over the last month, she is so much more of a communicator now. With various hand gestures and shouted noises, she lets us know what she does and doesn't want. This most often is at the dinner table. She pretty much has let me know that she is done with the baby food and will have what we are having, thank you very much. Thankfully she will try pretty much any type of food on her tray at least once. It may not always make it down the hatch, but she will put it in her mouth and chew it before rejecting it. At times she will be chewing something and then see something better and make the swap. Cracks me up.
She and her sister have been playing together more and more as of late, too. We have to explain to Peachy what is appropriate play for a one year old and what is too wild and crazy, but they do interact so much more. And no one can get her to crack up as much as that sister of hers. Built in entertainment 24/7.
I am still nursing Cream. I am currently working on weaning her of the afternoon session, but don't have any plans to completely wean just yet. Part of this is me and part of this is her.
For some reason, I am still really holding on to what is left of Cream's babyhood. I wasn't this way with Peachy. Maybe it is because I know how quickly they grow up now. I really haven't wrapped my mind around the fact that she is a whole year old now and entering into the toddler stage. It really is amazing how quickly this year has flown by.


  1. Aww, they grow so fast! The pic of her at a month old on the big chair is just adorable and she looks so tiny! Although, that chair must be huge because she still looks tiny in it now!

    So I've been thinking...what do we do for 13 months? I kind of want to continue to do some kind of photo and blog post with milestones. Did you do anything with Peachy?

  2. What a little sweetheart! Happy birthday (belated) Cream!
