
Monday, August 6, 2012

Update . . The Condensed Version

Well, it appears that it has been over three weeks since my last post. I can't believe it. I knew that it had been a while and the weeds here would be thick, but three weeks??? Life has been sailing at full-steam ahead and we have been having fun. Here is a quick run down. I will do my best to fill in the details in future posts.
*Camping: We try to go camping once a summer with some friends of ours who used to live here and have since moved away. This year the Bowl of Cherrys family opted out of the tent and instead rented a camper cabin. It was great!

*Baby Shower: While I was gone, my playgroup hosted a baby shower for one of our members. I did get in on the planning and a few projects. Judging by the pictures, the shower was adorable!!

*Vacation Bible School (VBS): The week following our camping adventure we had VBS at our church. This year Peachy attended and I ran the craft area.

* Miscellany: The week of VBS we were busy, busy, busy. We had a mini photo session for the girls, a bday party for some friends, and I was bust getting ready to leave for two weeks the next week.
*Vacation: The girls and I left for my parents' the Monday after VBS. The main reason for our trip was my little sister's wedding. However, we were able to cram lots of other fun activities in as well. Mr. Cherry joined us for the wedding and then the girls and I stayed the week following the wedding. During these two weeks we had an "un"birthday party with my immediate family, a wedding shower, a bachelorete day, the rehearsal  the wedding, and then lots of fun hanging out with my older sister who also stuck around the week after the wedding.
*Olympics: The Olympics are my sport. I love them and love watching them. So I have been cramming as much t.v. viewing as I can into the last week.
Needless to say, we have spent the weekend catching up on sleep and enjoying being home as a family again.

1 comment:

  1. A busy time for you guys! Hope the girls are doing well!

    The baby shower table looks great and I kinda want to do the ribbon banner for something in the future now... :)
