
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Washi Tape #3

Here I am, jumping on the washi tape project band wagon. It seems that every crafting blog has some sort of washi project on it lately. Do you know why? Washi tape projects are easy peasy! What is easier than sticking some tape onto something? And washi tape projects are cute!! I have a ton of fun ones pinned to my crafting board. Another big reason for the multitude of recent washi projects is that it is finally easy to find. I used to have my sister who lives in Japan send it to me. Then I could find it at certain craft stores and websites. Now it seems to be every where. Hello, Target!!
I decided to whip up this cute number three for Peachy's birthday. On her birthday week we displayed it on the front door in a wreath. I have been intending to get a picture of her with it, but that hasn't happened yet. I think I might try to make a collection of numbers 1-10 to put up in the girls' play area and add it to that.

I started with a plain wooden shape. I got this one at Michaels. (Want to know a secret? It is really the letter E! I couldn't find number shapes when I was there, so I grabbed the E and turned it around to make a 3.) Then I wrapped pieces of tape around the wood. Easy as 1, 2, 3! I am linking to these wonderful parties this week.
Today's Creative Blog
Making the World Cuter
The Sweet Talk Shop


  1. Am I the only one who hasn't tried washi tape yet? I didn't really get the rage, but now I feel like I have to try it just because everyone is talking about it. What area of Target is it in?

  2. I had no idea it was an "e" until you said something. Great idea turning it around, and it's so cute!


  3. Great idea! I've only used homemade washi on a card so far--I need to branch out :)

  4. That looks so cool! My youngest (soon to be middle child) son is turning 3 this year... You have started me on the roll for some great party decorations! Thank you! :)

  5. Hi there. I jumped over from Sugar & Dots what I whipped up Wednesday. I love this. I think I need to jump on the washi bandwagon as well. I also think its so sneaky that you used an E instead of a 3. Way to improvise!

    PS: Love your blog design- i'm a sucker for polkadots


  6. Hi, I’m visiting from Chef-in-training and would love for you to share this, or any other posts you would like to, at my Creative Thursday Link Party at Have a wonderful week.


  7. This is a cute idea. I might do something like this for my son's 1st birthday party! I would love if you would share this and any other posts at Showcase Your Talent Thursday I hope to see you there!
