
Thursday, February 9, 2012


*We are all rocking various stages of colds right now. I feel like we have been sicker this winter than any in the past 5 years. It all started when Peachy was sick for Cream's baptism and it feels like we haven't gone much over a week without one of us being sick since then. Oh well. I should look at it on the bright side, we have just had colds and stomach flu nothing that even required antibiotics. I am not a super germ nazi, maybe I should get out the sanitizer more often.
*I have told myself that I am going to use this month to really organize the house. (I think I am just a month late on a resolution here.) So far I have gotten our closet organized, boxed up my maternity clothes, organized a bathroom closet, and worked on the downstairs toy area. I still have lots I would like to accomplish. Maybe I will get it done now that I have told you about it!
*Peachy and I worked on Valentine's together today. Really I made the Valentine's and she played with paper, glue, punches, scissors, and ribbon. I am so happy with how everything turned out and so it she. She calls it her project.
*I would like to join a gym. (Perhaps another late resolution?) We even have some Christmas money to put toward it. I am hoping to get in and visit a few in the next couple of weeks. Ideally it would have a daycare and would allow me to go on a month to month basis. That way when the weather warms up we can stop going to the gym and spend time outside instead.
*I just released Peachy from her room. She has been on a non-napping streak. I still make her rest in her bed and hope that she will actually sleep. The last three days she hasn't. Oh well.
*I am smelling the yumminess of supper in the CrockPot. I will make it Foodie Friday tomorrow if it turns out as good as it smells. :o)
*Well, since both girlies are up and since I promised myself I would try to get some organizing down today, I will leave off here. Hope you are having a good Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. don't give in on naps yet. I did with Claire and now i am going backwards and getting her to rest. She hates it since she know's she'll fall asleep most of the time but for me I need the quiet time. And like you said, you need to get stuff done, for me it's bible study, dinner prep or just some sewing for my soul that needs to happen. I'll be praying for those darn colds to go.a.way!
