
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby Cream: 1 Month

Our baby girl turned one month old last week. In some ways it is hard to believe that she has been a member of our family for an entire month already and in other ways it seems as if she has been here forever. It is neat how a new family member can fit right in.
Cream has been rocking the nights for me. She usually wakes up to nurse once during the middle of the night and then again sometime around 6 or 7. She is also a quick nurser and quite often goes right back to sleep. Like I said, "Rocking it!"
She has also been gracing us with a smile every once in a while. And sometimes when I am talking to her she coos and talks back to me. I really love it when they start interacting. It never ceases to amaze me that they can learn about social interaction so quickly.
Cream has started to have more quiet alert time as well. For a while Mr Cherry joked that she was either eating, sleeping, or crying. It is nice to have a little time to actually enjoy her company without having to try to calm her down.
Cream is a pacifier baby like her sister. I really like having babies that take the pacifier. It is so nice to have a way to calm them down when they are all worked up.

While she hasn't been to the doctor since her two week (she was already up to 9 lbs 11 oz), I can tell that she is still steadily gaining weight. She is a good nurser and takes a lot in at a time. She has really started to spread her nursing sessions out which is a bonus for me. We gave her her first bottle recently and she took it like a champ.
I can't wait to see what changes the next month brings for our little squirt.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like she's doing well! Lucky you to be able to have time for blogging too!
