
Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Headband

I took last week off. I just didn't find the time to sit and write and I also didn't have much to write about. Not that I am anticipating much crafting time in the coming weeks, but I think I have enough to at least make a few posts. And for a while, that will have to be good enough. :o)
So for now, here is the adorable Miss Cream for you to look at. :o)
We had the same photographer that took Peachy's two year pictures come over a few weeks ago to get some newborn pictures of Cream and the rest of the Bowl of Cherrys bunch. We got some great pictures. I will share more with you later.
While most of the pictures were clothing optional, for Cream anyway, we did take a few with a new outfit that I put together. I found an adorable knit sweater dress at Target and made a matching headband and leggings to go with. You can see the headband above. I used natural elastic for the headband itself and then made a simple rosebud to go on it. Very easy. Very quick. Just what a new mom needs in her projects. I made the leggings with 2T socks that I also purchased at Target. I used this tutorial again. Very easy. Very quick. Do you sense a theme?
Here is a picture of the dress from Target's site. And a link.


  1. What a cutie! Love the dress! I am a new follower from Too Cute Tuesday. Vicky @

  2. Wow, great job! If you get a chance, I'd love to have you link up. ( Thanks for sharing!

  3. Super cute! I love that dress from Target! And how sweet is that adorable baby girl?! Thanks so much for sharing at Show & Share!

  4. great job! So cute! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!
