
Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Blog Look

Up until this point I have done all of my own blog design. It was nothing fancy. Only what I could figure out through online tutorials. Somehow I managed to mess something up, go figure, and with my very limited knowledge of html, could not figure out how to fix it on my own. I am sorry if any of the changes in the past week made viewing my blog difficult. I know it was frustrating for me! I decided it was probably time to bring in some professional help. I found the Etsy seller Dream Like Magic and liked what I saw in her shop. I purchased a premade design and away we went.  I am loving the new look. Now I just have to manage not to mess anything up. :o)


  1. It's super cute! I love the red and aqua dots.

  2. One of my favorite color schemes right now! It looks great!

  3. Oooo... she does have cute stuff! Might be time for my blog to get a makeover too... :)
