
Thursday, June 2, 2011

28 Weeks with Number Two

Here I am at 28 weeks with our little Cream. Everything continues to go well. I am starting to slow down a bit and need more sleep again, but other than that I am keeping on. I almost feel as if the sleeping is more comfortable this time around. Maybe I am just remembering how it was later on with Peachy, but I remember feeling very sore after sleeping. This time around I feel less sore after sleeping.
I had an appointment last week and was measuring right on. The heartbeat was 150 bpm. I also took the one hour glucose test and received the results that I passed. No gestational diabetes for me. (Sorry Shlebs.)
One change that I have noticed recently is the movement. I am feeling this little one moving all the time. I am guessing that (s)he changed positions and this allows me to feel the movements a little bit more. The other night I was actually watching me belly shake, rattle and roll. Fun.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! Fetus Jonas was a mover and a shaker. Toddler Jonas is a mover and a shaker.
    Fetus Annabella didn't move as much. Toddler Annabella, doen't move as much.
    I bet you're in for some fun!!!
