
Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Recap

After hosting our royal playgroup on Friday we continued on with our very normal and non-royal weekend. And do you know what? Normal and non-royal is just fine with me!
Mr. Cherry is busy gathering materials to build a shed under our new deck, deck, deck. This meant many trips to home improvement stores over the weekend. Peachy was very excited to see the fork lifts driving around and now always looks for "tractors" at home stores. (Beware, grandpa, a tractor ride may be requested for the next time we are there.)
I was able to attend a women's day at our church on Sunday. It is always a joy to remember our true purpose and focus on life. And to gather together with my sisters in the faith.
Upon my return home I found a note taped to our door inviting us to the backyard neighbor's house for supper. They purchased a new, huge smoker over Easter and wanted to try out its goods on us. Smoked ribs, turkey, and pork? Yes, please. It was delicious food and equally delicious company. We tend to hibernate a bit over the winter, so it is always good to see everyone again after the long winter.
We awoke Sunday morning to find this May Day treat on our doorsteps.
Oh well. Spring will come one of these days and it will be greatly appreciated once it does.
We finished up our weekend with a few errands, yes one to a home improvement store, and a pizza buffet.
Oh and when we were tucking our little sweetie in, she told us "I love you very much" and "Peachy happy." Yes, my dear, so am I.

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