
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5k Fun!

I have been able to walk in two 5ks in the last couple of weeks. The first, on Mother's Day, was a breast cancer walk that I participated in with my mother-in-law. (We also walked it as a family last year.) I walked the second with a group of moms from the moms group that I participate in. Both walks were a ton of fun. Walking is a great way to get out and visit with others. And since I was sans Peachy on both walks, I could really get my gab on. I was having such a good time during the second walk that a few of my friends and I ran the last 10th of a mile. Tee, hee, hee. It really did make me wish that I could be running again, but we'll save that until after Cream is born.
Thanks ladies for some awesome 5ks!!

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