
Monday, December 20, 2010

Dare to DIY: Dare to Have Traditions!

Dare to DIY
It is the last week of Kim's Dare to DIY Christmas series. It is always so much fun learning how other families celebrate Christmas. Since our family is relatively young, we don't have many set in stone traditions at this point. However, this year I actually gave some thought as to what kinds of traditions we may want to start since Peachy is now old enough to start appreciating some of them. We will still be celebrating with all of Mr. Cherry's family and all of my family, but I figured it was time to start some traditions in our home. Mr. Cherry was able to get the day before we start traveling off of work to celebrate Christmas with the three of us. So far I plan on driving around to look at lights before or after opening presents. I also plan on incorporating one of my family's Christmas traditions of a chili dinner that night.
This weekend we got to enjoy a tradition that both Mr. Cherry's family and I grew up with, the Children's Christmas Service at our church. Both Mr. Cherry and I participated in our church's service growing up and since then I have had the opportunity to help out with many other services. Last year was the first year that I didn't have a Christmas service to prepare for in some way. The Sunday School children did a wonderful job last night. At the end I turned to Mr. Cherry with tears in my eyes and told him how proud I was of all those kids. I know I am going to be a mess the first year Peachy gets to participate! There is something so special about seeing those kids so proudly share the message of the Savior's birth.

I am not planning too much this year, but I am so excited to see what traditions develop over the coming years with our family.


  1. You definitely will get teary eyed. Yesterday was J's first Sunday School program and I got teary eyes a couple of time. I was so proud of him and how well he actually did

  2. We're just setting up our own family traditions too. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. I love looking at Christmas lights, too. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful family!

    Thanks for linking up!
