
Monday, December 7, 2009


I had a busy and oh, so fun weekend. It started early when Little Peachy and I hosted playgroup on Friday morning. There is just something so fun about little ones scooting, crawling, and walking all over our house. Toys could be seen everywhere and laughs could be heard all around. That evening the moms in the playgroup went out for a night away from the little ones. Ah, the joys of moms' night out.

We started at the theater with The Blind Side. What a great movie. We all loved it!!

Next we headed over to the micro-brew next door for talk, laughs, drinks, laughs, appetizers, and laughs. I had to head out early (well, 11 p.m. really is quite late for me to be out these days, but it was way too soon) so that Peachy and I could get on the road for our next adventure Saturday morning. More on that too come.

These ladies are all awesome. I really think that we have to best playgroup ev-er! In addition to being wonderful moms, they are supportive, caring, and fun. Even though we have only known each other for a few months it seems like so much longer. (I mean that in a good way!) Thanks ladies for being such wonderful new friends to Peachy and I.

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