
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dare to DIY Blog Party with the NewlyWoodwards: Dare to Entertain

I was so going to participate in Kim's blog party again. This week she asked us to show our holiday table. Even though we aren't going to be here for Thanksgiving, I thought I could put together a cute little table. It so didn't happen. My to-do list is long these days and it just didn't make the cut. (You know the saying "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach"? Well, my ideas are bigger than my time these days. I keep getting all of these "great ideas." Too many to fit into my days.) Oh well. I thought that I would treat you all to a taste of reality instead. This is the current state of our table.

Do you like it? Here is how I accomplished this look:

1. Leave the table cloth on after having company for Sunday lunch.
2. Add a 6 month old. This will help with the high chair pieces, toys and the bunched up table cloth. (She has learned that if she pulls on it, things magically come her way.)
3. Drop the day's mail on the table in the corner once you bring it in.
4. Add in a Skype call to family while preparing dinner to finish off the look with the computer and webcam.

Viola! As easy as that!
Thought that I would keep it real for you today. Life may be a bowl of cherrys, but that bowl can be very messy at times!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO. You are so funny. We'll see you next week. =) Happy Thanksgiving!
