
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Spoke Too Soon

Remember this post where I mourned the loss of garage sales? Well, as it turns out, this weekend was my best garage saling weekend to date. Our little girl will be nice and toasty warm in her new-to-us clothes this winter.

I set out to conquer the last few remaining sales on a blustery Friday afternoon. (I left M and Peachy snug and sound in the house.) The snowflakes in the air and the bite of the wind weren't going to stop me. I think the weather actually worked to my advantage. There weren't many people out and those hosting the sales just wanted to get rid of stuff so they could get inside.
Peachy is now the proud owner of an adorable Children's Place double breasted pea coat, a snow suit, a Christmas dress, many pairs of jeans and khakis, several long sleeved onsies, a stocking hat, a denim jacket, several denim jumpers, and a few other assorted items tossed into the mix.
I also have a load of clothes that was sold as a lot coming to me today via Craigslist. I could pay more, but why?

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