
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Everybody Loves an Airshow!

Every year there is an airshow in our town. Every other year the Navy's flight team the Blue Angels come and perform. The first year M and I were married we paid the price of admission and attended the actual show. (We also paid the price of heat exhaustion and sunburn, but that, my friends, is another story.) Two years later, we rode our bikes to a nice, close spot and watched the Blue Angels zoom overhead. This year we drove the van to a parking lot and watched the Blue Angels tailgate style. (We weren't the only ones with this idea, either. We had a bold family of 6 literally park on top of us part way into our picnic. Notice all of the empty parking spots they had to chose from. Oh well, at least we stopped the two year old from getting too far with the container of watermelon he took from the back of our van.)

We made sure to bring the proper protection for Little Peachy's little ears. We made sure to bring along plenty of picnic food. We also made sure to bring along good company. (Thanks for joining us in this fun adventure, Jo.)
The Blue Angels once again brought their awe inspiring performance to our city. At one point they flew right over top of us with so much speed that they literally shook our bodies. Awesome.
And is it true? Does everyone love an airshow? If a 3 1/2 month old can have this much fun, I think anyone can.

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