Stay-at-home-mom. This will be my new position in life for the foreseeable future. Obviously, it hasn't completely sunk in yet, but I am looking forward to opening this new chapter in life.
I handed the reigns completely over to the new preschool teacher this week. I said good bye to "my kids" at the end of last week. There was only one in tears (and it wasn't me) so that was a good thing. Over the past week the preschoolers have already bonded with their new teacher and it makes me feel good knowing that they are in capable hands. I was even able to prolong the good byes by saying that I would try to make it back for graduation. (I don't do final good byes very well. This is my way of coping.)
This is one of the gifts that I received on my last day. It makes me smile every time that I see it.
And now the waiting can truly begin.
Being a SAHM is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child!