
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Nesting Part II

We finally bit the bullet and purchased new dressers for our bedroom. This led to the grand dresser switcheroo. Lets see if you can follow.

1) Purchase two new dressers.

2) Once dressers arrive, move old dresser from master closet to be the changing table in the nursery.

3) Install pack and play in place of old dresser in closet.

4) Send other old dresser back with my parents as that is where it originated.

5) Move crates to lower level to be used for various purposes.
6) Put glider rocker where crates were.

7) Sit back and enjoy all of the changes.

Here are the new dressers in all of their new dresser glory.
Here are the curtains. I made these a l-o-n-g time ago but we had some issues to work out before I could call them complete. We have worked through those issues and are now back on speaking terms.

Unfortunately the new dressers put the old night stands to shame. Oh well, I guess you can't win them all.

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