
Friday, May 29, 2009

Another New Addition

It may not be as cute as Little Peachy, but it is a very good vacuum cleaner!
We started tossing around the idea of purchasing a new vacuum when we knew Peachy was on the way. Our current floor cleaner was a bottom of the line Wal-Mart purchase that M had bought back in his bachelor days. We just weren't sure if it was really doing the job anymore. It also was bagless and we have come to think that bags are just better. Oh, and there was that lovely burning rubber smell that was growing ever stronger every time that we used it.
Little did I know when I started looking that M had his eye on a vacuum. Not just any vacuum either. This vacuum has received the Consumer Reports best rating for several years running. In M's mind this is high praise for a product. He also liked the fact that it has a drive train rather than belts.
We went to Sears to check out the Kenmore Progressive Upright Vacuum with Intelli-Clean in Slate Blue (yes, that is its full name) at Sears the same week that Little Peachy was born. I was game until I saw the price tag. I just couldn't see spending that kind of money on a vacuum. I told M that I would have to think about it.
As I was thinking about it, I received a generous gift card for the very mall that Sears is in. Also, when I went to look online at the vacuum, it was on sale for the week. This sealed the deal. We headed out Memorial Day weekend to pick up our new dust sucker. And to our surprise, it was on sale for even less than what the internet had listed. M said this was the first time that he wanted something and it was actually cheaper than what he thought.
I finally was able to use it this morning and it is a super-cleaner. (It even has lights to alert you to the fact that the area you are cleaning is getting cleaner and cleaner until the light turns green and then it is all clean.) While it is a bit heavy and bulky, I think that I will enjoy this new addition thoroughly.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets excited about a new vacuum cleaner!
