
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day: Part II

While the storm was basically over in a day, digging out from the storm was going to take a bit longer. M went out to start the shoveling process and came back in reporting that our driveway was one solid 12 inch snow drift. Thanks to M, enough of our driveway got shoveled that we can get out. Unfortunately, M had to go to work, but I don't think that I will be going out there today. I was out for 10 minuted while he shoveled and my legs were instantly frozen. I guess he will have to clear the rest of the driveway once he gets home. (I wouldn't want to hurt the baby.)
It is crazy to see how the snow is drifted outside. The neighbors across the street have three foot drifts in some parts of their driveways and blocking their front doors. Our air conditioning unit is almost completely buried in the backyard, yet there are also spots that are almost completely bare back there.

The one casualty that we have discovered so far is a crack in one of our front windows. We both heard something in the middle of the night and couldn't quite identify it. This morning, I saw the window and realized that must have been it. Hopefully that is covered in our one year home warranty.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a snow blower will magically appear under your Christmas tree.
