
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just Over the Bridge

Unfortunately this summer, a bridge near our home was hit by a garbage truck and caused some damage. At the time, the bridge was closed until it could be inspected and once deemed safe, opened again. They are now working on fixing the damage. In the beginning they were doing their work at night and it didn't effect us at all. The other day, however, that all changed. I had a meeting at work at 6 p.m. It usually take 15 minutes commute time for me. I left at 5:30 and planned on getting some work done before the meeting. As it turned out, I used all of my extra time sitting on the road in stopped traffic. I don't do well in stop and go traffic and quickly grew impatient. I figured out an alternate route and made it just in time for the meeting. I am just hoping that they finish the bridge soon and my commute isn't doubled for long.

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