
Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I like to think of myself as a woman of taste. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I can often be found commenting on other's lack of taste. I mostly focus on people I don't know so that I can go about this commenting with a clear conscience. If I know you, I probably won't judge you as I dislike confrontation and avoid it at all cost.

I recently stumbled across the blog, Cake Wrecks. I believe that the author, Jen, and I are kindred spirits. We both go through life unabashedly doling out advice on taste. However, her advice is solely aimed at those in the cake decorating business and is a bit more public than my own. And truth be told, the cake decorating business is not an area in which I consider myself an expert. I can think of many cakes I decorated in my youth that would make an easy target for Jen. (This is before I learned some important truths in the cake decorating world. #1) Never mix frosting the color of toothpaste. #2) A masterpiece cannot be made with a Ziplock bag minus the tip. #3) A recipe book is your friend.)

If you find yourself looking for a good laugh, jump on over to Jen's blog. (Warning: You may find yourself craving cake with one inch thick whipped topping after visiting.)

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