
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Summer Vacation

Well, it is back to school for me today. It was a great summer filled with lots and family and fun. As with all great things, it is done all too quickly and leaves me wanting more. Here is a quick recap of this summer's greatest hits.

1. We started out with a wonderful weekend of camping at Lake Bemidji State Park where we put on lots of trail miles on our bikes. (Some of those miles involved getting rained and hailed on.)

2. In mid June we headed out for M's brother's wedding. It was the first time all of M's family had been together in over a year and we made the most of it. There was eating, dancing, picnicking, bonfiring and lots of talking. Here is a picture of M and his brothers at the wedding.

3. It was then off to school for me. I stayed with my parents for 8 days as I took an 3 credit course. It was the first time I took a for-credit course since I graduated 7 years ago. It went well and left me thinking I wouldn't mind going back for more. (Here is our family's traditional first day of school shot on the front steps.)

4. While home I got to welcome back my younger sister from over a month in South America. I made her this monkey cake on the day she flew in. (Aren't they cute?)

5. Next on the calendar was my older sister's wedding. Another great reunion with family reunion and celebration of God's gift of marriage. Even though the day was rather warm and sticky, we partied it up in true style. In this picture you can tell that M and I are a little worn out and a little sweaty, but still having fun.

6. When we returned, it was time to paint the house. We spent many hot hours painting five rooms, but it is worth it. I love the colors that we picked and I loved painting without having to worry about the trim and the floors.

7. Before we knew it, it was moving time. We started out moving a van load of boxes at a time and then my parents came and helped us finish it off. We even epoxied the garage floor before we drove on it.

8. The final joy of the summer is the visitors that we have been able to have now that we have a house. My parents have made it twice, M's sister came, my older sister and her hubby were just here, and some college friends who were in town for a family wedding stayed over night. (And there are more scheduled for this fall. YEAH!!)

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